The Caedmon School

Nurse's Notes

The role of the school nurse is to support the overall well-being and academic success of our students.

We are here to institute health and safety guidelines, provide first aid, assess illnesses, administer medication and assist in health education. In addition, we maintain medical records and health information in accordance with the requirements mandated by the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.

Click below for notes from our nurses, Nurse Roe and Nurse Rich, on the following topics:

Medical Forms | Notifying the Nurse for Illness Absences | When to Keep Your Child Home from School | Exclusions for Physical Education, Recess, and Movement Class | Tips for Keeping Your Children Healthy | Medication Administration at School | NY State Department of Health | Nut Policy | Clothing and Footwear | Local and National Resources | Contacting the School Nurse 

Medical Forms

Click Here to Access All Required Forms

Child & Adolescent Health Examination Form | PDF | 333KB

This form must be completed and signed by a licensed medical provider. This is best done at your child’s yearly “well” physical exam. In addition to the physical exam, an up-to-date immunization record must be attached. Medical forms must contain information from the most recent check-up, which must be within one year from the beginning of the school year. Updated forms are then required yearly. The Caedmon School strictly adheres to the New York State Department of Health mandate that children will not be permitted to attend school without a current medical form on file.

Medication List | PDF | 111KB

This form must be completed and signed to allow the school nurse to administer medication at school. A parent or guardian will be notified prior to any medication administration from this list. This form will remain valid as long as your child is a student at The Caedmon School.

Consent To Emergency Treatment | PDF | 57KB

A parent or guardian must sign this form in order to authorize The Caedmon School staff to provide emergency medical treatment in the event you cannot be reached. This form will remain valid as long as your child is a student at The Caedmon School.

Asthma Action Plan (If Applicable) | PDF | 82KB

This form is to be filled out only if your child has been diagnosed with asthma. Treatment plans and emergency contacts are most important in completing this form.

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan (If Applicable) | PDF | 111KB

If your child is diagnosed with a life-threatening allergy, the school requires this form to be on file.

Medication Administration Form (If Applicable- Please obtain paperwork from Health Office)

This form is required for any child who is to receive medication during school hours. Please note: All medications delivered to school must be delivered by an adult and given directly to the school nurse. Under no circumstances are children permitted to carry medication to school. This includes over-the-counter medications.

When are Medical Forms Due?

The Caedmon School requires all students receive a physical exam yearly. Medical forms, signed by a licensed medical provider, with an attached immunization record, can either be mailed to school or dropped off at the front desk with the receptionist. Please note: attention school nurse.

In order to ensure all health information is gathered accordingly, it is imperative that ALL forms are received by the start of the school year. As per New York State law, students who have not submitted medical forms will be prohibited from attending school until forms have been received. You must notify the school nurse in advance if you anticipate a delay in submitting the necessary paperwork.

Medical forms for the 2024-2025 school year are due by Monday, August 12, 2024.

Please send your child/children's medical forms to [email protected], or mail them to school to the attention of the school nurse. 

*The Caedmon School does not accept physicals, immunization records, medical clearance notes, or medication forms signed by parent medical providers.

If your child is attending camp this summer, it may speed the process to have your health care provider fill out both sets of forms in one visit. *Please note, pediatric offices are extremely busy this time of year. Therefore, please book appointments in a timely fashion.

We recommend you make copies of all completed forms for your records prior to submitting them to the health office.

Medical Form Requirements for International and Out-of-State Students

Individuals coming from 50 miles, or more, outside of the New York State border have 30 days to provide an updated medical form, signed and dated with an attached immunization record, to the school nurse. Additionally, please click here for information regarding New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance. 

Notifying the Nurse for Illness Absences

Please report all illness absences to the school nurse at 212-879-2296 ext 311. You may also email the school nurse at [email protected].

When to Keep Your Child Home from School

In an effort to prevent the spread of illness at school, we ask that you keep your child home if he/she exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Fever of 100.0 or greater. Your child should remain home until his/her temperature returns to normal for a minimum of 24 hours, without fever reducing medications such as Motrin or Tylenol. In the interest of your child, and the school community at large, please do not administer fever reducing medication prior to sending your child to school. Inevitably, the fever returns and the child will have to go home.
  • Nausea, vomiting, loose stools and/or excessive malaise. Your child must be symptom-free for a minimum of 24 hours before coming/returning to school.
  • Continuous or frequent cough, runny nose, sneezing or any respiratory illness that produces excessive green, yellow, or clear secretions. If these symptoms persist throughout the day, and interrupt the normal functioning of the class, your child will be sent home until the symptoms have resolved.
  • Diagnosis of strep throat, conjunctivitis (pink eye), Varicella (chicken pox), or other communicable diseases. If feeling well, and if antibiotics have been prescribed, your child may return to school after 24 hours of antibiotic treatment.
  • Rash, infection, swelling, limitations to range-of-motion and/or diminished ability to walk without limping or pain. These symptoms would require an evaluation by your child’s physician. In addition, any supportive device such as an ace wrap, boot, splint, cast, crutches etc., must be reported to the school nurse prior to returning to school. Depending on the symptoms, a doctor’s note may be required.
  • Any symptom or situation that prevents, or may prevent your child from participating fully in school activities.

*Please contact the school nurse regarding illness absences. Sharing illness absences on WhatsApp or other social media is not advised. The Nurse's Office will share illness absence information when appropriate.

In an effort to protect the well-being of all our students, we rely on parents to be forthcoming with any/all pertinent information regarding health-related concerns.

Exclusions from Physical Education, Recess and Movement Class

A note from a physician is required if your child is unable to participate in recess, gym or movement class. Please provide the school nurse with the proper documentation when your child arrives at school.

Tips For Keeping Your Children Healthy

Medication Administration at School

Medication may be administered during the school day in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Medication must be brought to the nurse’s office by a parent or guardian only. All medication must be in the original packaging with a pharmacy label attached indicating dosage, time(s)of day it is to be administered, and the discontinuation date.
  • Students with illnesses such as diabetes, asthma, allergies etc., must provide a supply of medication to the nurse’s office with detailed instructions provided by the child’s physician (see above).
  • Students diagnosed with asthma, requiring an inhaler as noted on the medical form, must provide the nurse’s office with the medication, in its original packaging, with an attached prescription label. Aero chambers are strongly recommended for younger children.
  • Students diagnosed with allergies, requiring an EpiPen (or other Epinephrine devices), must provide the school nurse with the medication, in its original packaging, with a prescription label attached. It is mandatory that both devices are within the packaging. While individual EpiPens are stored in the nurse’s office, there are stock EpiPens stored in the kitchen area as well.
  • Under no circumstances are children permitted to carry medication in pockets, backpacks etc. during the school day. All medication, prescription and over-the-counter, must be stored in the nurse’s office. This includes anything from cough drops to EpiPens. These guidelines are to ensure the safety of the Caedmon community at large.

New York State Department of Health

The Caedmon School strictly adheres to the policies set forth by the New York State Department of Health.

Nut Policy

The Caedmon School is a nut-aware school. Please do not send your child to school with any items containing nuts, including coconut. In addition, if your child has a medical necessity that requires bringing food from home, please provide the school nurse with the appropriate documentation (diagnosis etc.) from your child’s physician. Your child’s teachers will advise you regarding celebrations at school.

Clothing and Footwear

Please provide your child’s teachers with spare pants, socks, shirts and underwear. For a multitude of reasons, children soil their clothing while at school. For sanitary and emotional reasons, it is important that back up clothing is available to them. Additionally, crocks, and other backless footwear, are not appropriate and may be dangerous while worn at school. Sneakers are preferred. Please note, it is important to check the weather forecast each day to ensure your child is appropriately dressed. In cold weather children are required to wear hats, gloves and waterproof footwear when going outside.

Contacting the School Nurse

For any health-related concern, please do not hesitate to contact either Nurse Roe or Nurse Rich at [email protected]. You may also reach us at 212-879-2296 ext 311.

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